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Our blog covers topics relating to SEO, social media, PPC, web design, digital marketing and more. What do you need help with today?


How Google Ranks Websites

You’ve probably heard of Google rankings because of topics like search engine optimization (SEO) — there’s hundreds of factors that go into SEO rankings. The same goes for Google rankings. The reason sites appear higher than others on search results pages has to do with how Google ranks websites. If you’re familiar with the basic […]

By GradeMyWebsite


How Often Should You Blog for SEO?

Most businesses use content marketing to help them achieve their goals, and blogs are critical to their overall strategy. On average, companies that blog experience a 67% increase in qualified leads. A well-crafted blog offers value, increases brand awareness and positively impacts search engine rankings. Blogging for business is most successful when it considers search engine […]

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Basic Guide to Small Business Marketing

The constantly evolving digital marketing landscape can seem overwhelming if your team isn’t large enough to delegate tasks. That’s where small business marketing comes into play — it’s the best solution for small business owners to advertise their businesses in a manageable way that accounts for their size and budget.  Keep reading to learn more […]

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What Is Small Business SEO?

The United States Small Business Administration (SBA) defines a small business as having at most 1,500 employees and generating less than $41.5 million annually. With over 32.5 million small businesses identified in the U.S., how does your business stand out from the rest? That’s where search engine optimization (SEO) comes into play. Improving your SEO […]

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What Is a Broken Link?

You’ve likely encountered an error message after clicking on a link at one point or another. These types of links, which are referred to as broken links, are frustrating to deal with. No matter what kind of website you have, you must ensure your pages don’t contain these links. Whether you sell a product or […]

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What Is Page Ranking and How You Can Improve Yours?

Page ranking is a vital marketing strategy plan to keep in mind when marketing your brand in an online space. But what is page ranking? Why is it so important to keep in mind? Maybe you’ve heard of page rankings before, but you’re not sure what it means or how to optimize for it in […]

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Track These 9 SEO Performance Metrics for Success

Boosting your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) takes a lot of time and effort. Make sure your hard work is paying off through SEO tracking, a way to measure SEO performance. Nearly every aspect of SEO has a key performance indicator (KPI), so there are thousands of SEO metrics. Plus, SEO changes when Google updates […]

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